Annual Rib Cook-OffÂ
23rd Annual Eastpoint Volunteer Fire Department
Charity Rib Cookoff
Saturday, March 16, 2024
at the Eastpoint Fire House
on the corner of 6th Street and CC Land Road in Eastpoint, FL
Gate open: 9:00am | Serving begins: 11:00am | FREE Admission
Hey Rib Fans,
Hope you are all getting ready for the 24th Annual Eastpoint Volunteer Fire Department Charity Rib Cookoff. This year’s event will be held on March 16th at the Firehouse located at 24 6th St in Eastpoint, Florida.
This year the Eastpoint Fire Cook Team will be smoking our traditional 1000 pounds of ribs, 300 pounds of pulled pork and cases of smoked chicken for you to enjoy. We will also have our famous Apple Dumplings and Ice Cream and Fried Dragon Skins. The gate opens at 10:00 and admission is free. Dinners will be served at the fire house starting at 11:00 and going till it’s all gone.
TBD. Stay tuned.
Silent Auction/Liars Contest
The silent Auction will be open till 1:00 sharp so get your bids in and keep a check on it. We will also have a limited supply of Rib Cookoff shirts and hats for sale. The Liars contest will return this year so if you are a great liar contact us for a spot in the lineup. Lastly but certainly not least, be sure to venture down Cooks Row to see the competition teams as the vie for the Grand Champion Award and the 1,000.00 prize that goes with it.
Please join us for a great day of food and music in support of your fire department. Hope to see you all there.
To enter the competition, become a sponsor or make a donation, please contact any fire department member or contact us at 850-653-6401 or visit the appropriate website link below.
Annual Charity Rib Cook-Off
Official Entry Form