About Us
The Eastpoint Volunteer Fire Department is an all volunteer fire department that serves and protects the community of Eastpoint Florida. Our mission is to protect the lives and property of our citizens and offer fire education to the public. We also have a first response department that runs on average 300 medical and rescue calls per year. We are located on the Apalachicola Bay in Franklin county Florida and serve as second alarm to all of the surrounding community’s of St George Island, Apalachicola, and Carrabelle Florida. We are also the second alarm company for the Apalachicola Regional Airport. The community of Eastpoint is also located adjacent to the Tates Hell national Forest and we serve that area from Apalachicola Bay to the Liberty County line. The Eastpoint Volunteer Fire Department is funded by a county administered MSBU fund, private donations and the proceeds from our annual BBQ Rib Cook-Off. We are governed by an elected board of directors that meets monthly at the fire house.

George Pruett

Richard Radford
Deputy Chief/Firefighter/First Responder

Dennis Eitman
Captain/Firefighter/First Responder

Nelson Woods
Lieutenant/Firefighter/First Responder

Frank Gerking
Firefighter/First Responder

Scott Kennett
Firefighter/First Responder

Alisha Woods
First Responder

Chelsie Woods
Firefighter/First Responder

Lee Woods
Firefighter/First Responder

Tyler Woods
Firefighter/First Responder